Read Before Posting
This discussion board is meant to be an open discussion among Together We Read participants from around the world. You are welcome to share your thoughts and honest opinions. You also are free to comment on any topics you wish to discuss that pertain to the reading program, the book itself or similar ideas.
OverDrive will monitor the discussion board and remove any content that is inappropriate or rude. You are welcome to share your opinions but please remain respectful. The author may pop into the discussion board from time to time. You’re welcome to ask questions and leave comments, but there is no guarantee all questions will be answered.
You must be 13 years or older to join the discussion board.
How to Kill Your Family
The digital book club, Together We Read, features no waitlists or holds through duration of the program. Share your thoughts about the title with readers around the UK. The discussion board will be available through 27 October.